A member of the first group of KUMISA board members, Johnny Dimba, was honoured by KUMISA who along with the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environment Affairs and the eThekiwini Municipality founded KUMISA 13 years ago to address the income and value gaps that are still present today.
In a groundbreaking event yesterday, KUMISA inaugurated a new era by introducing the KUMISA Creative Centre. This facility includes: • Recording Studio, • Rehearsal Space, • two training rooms, • a resource Centre, • a live performance courtyard and • a music business incubator ...
In this ceremony, KUMISA commemorated and celebrated one of its late founding fathers, Johnny Dimba, by naming KUMISA Creative Centre the KUMISA Johnny Dimba Creative Centre. Johnny Dimba one of KZN's finest musicians, with hits like Ngenzeni Na, Ngiqoph’umlando and Udwendwe Lwencwasa’smende (to name a few), and one of the few Entertainment Lawyers who contributed to transforming the KZN Music Industry.